Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is what we did this sweltering Memorial Weekend. We (Tayler, John and myself) took Boden to Nelsonville, Ohio to ride the train. The ride lasted a little longer than 1.5 hours. When the train first took off and the whistle blew, Boden looked at me with this frightened lil face and said "I wanna go home!@" in a panicked sounding voice. Eventually he relaxed and enjoyed the train ride. First thing he said the next day was "It's a beautiful day! Lets ride the train again?"

On another note, I had a Junk Event Friday and Saturday. Friday was quite successful. However, Saturday was quite slow. Still have some great pieces left and sold many a great pieces as well. Sold my pie safe (to co-worker) and I am confident it has a good home. My home feels a little bland but I feel so cleansed and ready to start anew!

I did sell me melmac dishes so that night after the sale I "had" to go buy all new dishes. I am pleased with my choice (Kate Brown from Meijer) and plan to paint the kitchen to match my new dinner ware! Won't the hubby be so happy to hear that!?
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