Sunday, October 02, 2011


I have been really motivated to create and get my jewelry collection going. Now I just have to get my Etsy store up and running. That is my plan for Wednesday. Since beginning a new job and being worn out when I get home, time to be productive and creative is rather limited to Wednesdays (my day off). Most recent creative binge:

We are expecting a new baby girl soon. Her name is going to be Elsie (and yes we stole the name from Elsie Flannigan-Larson who we think is the bomb!) She should be arriving around the beginning of December or end of November. B seems to be adjusting to the idea and often refers to her as his baby sister in mommy's tummy. He wants to play with "her" trains. It's so cute that he thinks she will have trains too. What a rude awaking he is going to have!

It is so much fun being grandparents. You get to do all of the spoiling and send them home. There are minimal rules at my house and lots of good snacks (often thanks to grandpa!) and just about every Thomas train you could ask for! What more could he want? Now I have to share all of that love with another. Doesn't seem possible. Not sure I have enough lovin to go around. But I am sure once the new little one is here, love will abound. Till for a baby girl is tons of fun

Monday, August 08, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

Saturday I ventured to European Papers in downtown Columbus to take Soldering 101. I had been wanting to take a class there for a long long time. They teach a variety of mixed media classes such as soldering, book binding, collage, and more. Check em out here:

They are in the process of moving the store to German Village and if I heard correctly will still be offering classes but the brick and mortar portion of the shop will be no more. Online sales only.

Here are a few of my beginner pieces.

Now I am off to B&N for some soldering research and to Carfagna's for chicken breast.

Since Jake just got back from NYC last night I figured I would make grilled chicken and garlic mashed potatoes for dinner. One of his faves.

Jake had a great time bonding with his Gma Ross and cousin Tim on this trip. The trip was a little limiting since it was an Eagle Rock tour trip and they had a schedule to follow. Very little time at large to explore from what I gather. I think Gma took the boys as a graduation/almost graduation gift. Jake brought home little gifts for everyone. He brought me this

Sunday, August 07, 2011


Even better with the little guy in it!
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My most expensive item. Original color was gold. After a can of black spray paint it looks marvelous!
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Giant Wild Turkey bottle not for sale!
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Junksters extraordinaire!
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My sidekick!
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Morning view of the same! We are now on our way to the World's Longest Yard sale 2011!
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The mysterious moon shaped object glowing in the night sky turned out to be the John Glenn museum in Wapakoneta Ohio.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Amish country. Boden taking a ride on the pony.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011


It has been a steamer all week here in Central Ohio. Temperatures have peaked in the high 90's most days which means with the humidity it feels like 100+. Not good for those with "chronic lung conditions" like me. We (the CLC) are told daily to take it easy and stay inside so I have done just that! Heat like this sucks the very life right out of you. It's too hot to eat, too hot to drink (even margaritas!), too hot to do anything productive. Should be good for the weight loss efforts though!

However, I am getting a bit bored with being home. Job hunting is tiring and makes me feel hopeless at times. I imagine how many people are in the same boat and applying for the same jobs as I am. I should have thought twice before I put myself in this situation but sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles. Deal with it.

I haven't even been motivated to create! Every day I do wake up and think today is the day, but it just never happens. I ordered the June and July ATC kits from Donna Downey and they lay there on the dining room table awaiting my little hands to open them.

I have been wanting to start an art journal/book so I ordered this as well. What kind of deliciousness can I pack into this?

I should be taking this time to make some jewelry since I have been wanting to get up enough of an inventory to open my Etsy store. More to come with that!

Stay Cool!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is what we did this sweltering Memorial Weekend. We (Tayler, John and myself) took Boden to Nelsonville, Ohio to ride the train. The ride lasted a little longer than 1.5 hours. When the train first took off and the whistle blew, Boden looked at me with this frightened lil face and said "I wanna go home!@" in a panicked sounding voice. Eventually he relaxed and enjoyed the train ride. First thing he said the next day was "It's a beautiful day! Lets ride the train again?"

On another note, I had a Junk Event Friday and Saturday. Friday was quite successful. However, Saturday was quite slow. Still have some great pieces left and sold many a great pieces as well. Sold my pie safe (to co-worker) and I am confident it has a good home. My home feels a little bland but I feel so cleansed and ready to start anew!

I did sell me melmac dishes so that night after the sale I "had" to go buy all new dishes. I am pleased with my choice (Kate Brown from Meijer) and plan to paint the kitchen to match my new dinner ware! Won't the hubby be so happy to hear that!?
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